You may not realize it, but you have “weak ties” that will happily promote your content for you. It’s an awesome tool I highly recommend.). If people see engagement, they’re more likely to engage themselves. …and voila! And links are the key here - without them, your content won't rank. The people with big followings and high domain authority websites have already tested hundreds, sometimes thousands, of topics. Brand & Website Launch. First, take a broad match head term you think might be a good fit for your article and plug it into the tool. But Google rewards the search results that drive the most clicks. Email anyone you mentioned OR linked to in the article. In fact, Koozai deleted 900 blog posts without any issues. “But Bill, how the heck do I create world-class content? Influencers became influencers by talking about the hottest topics in your niche. That’s why I want to show you the 6 content promotion strategies that Emil used to get the word out about his new guide. But this initial finicky traffic is still important because it generates three things…. World's Best Bowler. And how can they help you with content promotion? Second, Emil noticed that the first page results had some major flaws. They were publishing generic posts like, “3 ways to do X”and “5 tips for Y”. @backlinko. Sep 26, 2018 - In this white hat SEO case study, I reveal the exact step-by-step process I used to achieve a #2 ranking, 1,000+ daily blog visitors, and $36,525.35 in passive sales in one month. And just like that you’ll have the results added to a spreadsheet. Most importantly, respond to every comment! This is a great case study that shows how powerful a content marketing strategy can be in the right hands. Just listen to Matthew Barby, an SEO expert and director of Hubspot: "A study ), End your post with a single, clear call-to-action. “We had thirty people in our office. ), you can use it to track your rankings. Now that Emil had a keyword in-hand, it was time to size up the first page competition. This tells me that it’s a good idea to write a post about campgrounds or RVing guides. But if you want to find untapped keywords that your competition doesn’t know about, then I recommend trying these 3 tools. If you bore people, they’re going to click over to YouTube faster than you can say “cute cats”. The end result is Richard’s expert roundup post, 55 SEO Experts Reveal 3 Favorite Link Building Tools: Once Richard’s guide was live, he built links to his guide with email outreach. For example, 4 of the top 10 results were PDFs. (More on that later too. After Emil’s post went live he asked the entire SnackNation team to share his new post: Even though most of Emil’s coworkers don’t work in the marketing department (and were therefore “weak ties”), they were more than happy to lend a hand: And these shares from weak ties got Emil some early buzz. You can also look at the related searches at the bottom of Google, or look at their autosuggestions when you’re typing the keyword into the search box. Emil’s post listed more wellness program ideas than any other guide. First, he searched for his target keyword in Google…. That’s like eighty shares right off the bat. The solution? Plus, user engagement (i.e. That’s why he decided to promote his post…. I probably don’t need to tell you that hitting “publish” is just the beginning. +91-9783226565 +91-7231837172. That got him to 60 total ideas. Instead, he promoted his post using email outreach (more on that later). (Not sure what I mean by that? Most of the content that Emil found listed 5–10 wellness program ideas: And a few authors went crazy and wrote 50+ ideas: But even the craziest authors weren’t as crazy as Emil…. White Hat SEO Case Study: How To Get a #1 Ranking. ​​Want a step-by-step training to learn exactly how SEO works?​Click here to see the Blueprint SEO Training by Ryan Stewart! I now make $200 per month passively on this page. In the image on the right, the principles contained in this White Hat SEO module have been applied – resulting in a $60K increase in sales in the first year. And step #1 is to leave a comment to let me know you’re ready to try The Skyscraper Technique. …and popped the top 50 results into a spreadsheet: Use the free Chrome Extension Scraper to quickly export Google results into a spreadsheet. Let's take a look. While PBNs only made up a small portion of our strategy, we knew this would be a fairly big undertaking. Usability and user experience are second order influences on search engine ranking success. First, Emil found blogs that wrote about employee wellness. As many of us in this forum, I want to both give information and motivate myself by sharing case studies. You get more credibility, plus easy promotion. You want to zero-in on content that’s acquired white hat links. (Including Tweets from peeps with thousands of followers): And most important of all, fistfuls of high-quality backlinks: Even though Emil’s post came out over 7 months ago, his post continues to generate traffic, leads and sales. Case Study 2 years ago TweetAttacks Pro Review – Automation at its Finest! Just click "File" -> "Make a copy" to make edits. A few years ago, my agency The Search Initiative (TSI) decided to remove PBNs as a part of our link building strategy and move over completely to a white hat link building model.. That #1 ranking (and traffic from social media) brings in 10,000+ Pageviews per month…like clockwork: And because Emil’s post attracts high-quality organic traffic, a good chunk of his visitors convert into leads: But most important of all, this guide helped boost Emil’s homepage traffic by 59%. It’s time-consuming, high effort, and takes a few months to ramp up - but it’s the gift that keeps on giving (if you do it right). And that’s where this bonus step comes into play…. These are the people you want to befriend. @matthewbarby. Unlike in the case of black hat SEO where the results are immediately visible in terms of conversions, you may need to be patient enough to see the growth of your website or blog. Use “Weak Ties” to generate early buzz. Meaning, you’re setting your content up to have an army of promoters to share it when it goes live. Then, I promoted it to my audience, the influencers who contributed, and anyone else who would listen to me, all over again. All that Adwords action told Emil: “there’s strong commercial intent behind this keyword.”. The term "white hat SEO" refers to SEO tactics that are in line with the terms and conditions of the major search engines, including Google. Free Bonus: ​​Click here to get a FREE SEO cheat sheet that shows you exactly what to do to rank your website in Google's top 3 in less than 6 months. Getting more clicks on Google is just like getting more clicks on a PPC ad - all it takes is a little copywriting. On Emil’s first day his boss sat him down and said: “get us some backlinks”. End your article with a question. Let’s dive in! Here’s a guide if you’re interested in that. And Emil guessed that these health-focused offices would be happy to share the wellness programs they used. How to Take a Website from Grey Hat to White Hat May 21 February 12 by Matt Diggity If you know the history of the terms White Hat and Black Hat—how they started in grainy westerns where a hat was the only way to tell the silent villain and hero apart—you may understand why I really appreciate the place of these terms in SEO. Simply search for your target keyword (and a few closely-related keywords), and see what comes up. Today you’re going to learn how Emil rocketed his site to the #1 spot in Google. Even though his post was about employee wellness, the ebook was about employee engagement. Just enter the keyword “paleo diet” (and a few sites you want FaqFox to scrape). Now then... besides sharing you post on Facebook and Pinterest, what can you do to promote your new content? …because Emil set out to list out a whopping 120 ideas (!). Wrong. As an SEO newbie, Richard wanted to know which white hat SEO tools the experts used (in other words, not automated black hat tools). But, when you finally DO hit the bottom of page one, what then? Once you start bringing in links and implementing the SEO tips I shared above, the last step is easy…. Which leads us to our last promotional strategy…, 6. So Richard searched in Google for things like “SEO tools”, “white hat SEO tools” and “link building tools”: And he noticed that the results didn’t answer the fundamental question: “Which SEO tools should I use?”. 1. Emil’s Skyscraper content went live in April. (FYI the search volume and CPC you see in that screenshot comes from the Keyword Everywhere browser extension. For a long time, SEO experts have looked down on so-called black hat strategists. Like I mentioned earlier, most of the articles ranking on page 1 had zero images: That’s why Emil peppered his post with eye-catching images…. ", Links to your domain aren't enough. “Looks like we have a problem. On these pages, filter your keywords to only those with 2-4 words, then sort those by search volume. But if you’re doing things the white-hat manual way (which is what we advise), you don’t need this many prospects. And when he found a high-quality piece of content like this one…. Emil kicked things off with keyword research. Well, the list is endless. View original. This post on landscaping is a great example of what you're trying to achieve. (Sure, it was Amazon’s revenue, not mine - but imagine if I turned my blog into an eCommerce store. Just ask Rand Fishkin, one of the SEO experts at Moz: "There are a limited number of variables that search engines can take into account directly, including keywords, links, and site structure. 5. So, since it wasn’t originally included in the content when first published, I added a section discussing these items. Because Emil’s homepage converts so well, this traffic boost drives over $100k in monthly recurring revenue. 3. My first talk (originally Bing vs. Google ranking factors) has changed from the program's listing and will now be on Black Hat / White Hat SEO. Let’s say you’re in the paleo diet space. The website and case which has been taken is is ranking on page one on Google for some of the most competitive keyword terms in one of the most notoriously spam niches online; the erectile dysfunction niche. And he sent the author of that page this script: When they replied saying “What’s the broken link?”, he sent them this email: And he was rewarded with a handful of high quality backlinks: Where does Richard rank today for his target keyword (“link building tools”)? And good SEO doesn’t happen without effort. From topic and keyword research to link building and promotion, this guide will … Now it’s time to show you exactly how he did it. We’ve worked with some of Australia’s biggest brand names and helped them thrive and achieve their digital goals far beyond expectations. Problem is, that traffic is gone just as quick as it came. Video is even better. For example, Emil mentioned Authority Nutrition here: And sent them a message to let them know that they’ve been featured: As you can see, these brands happily shared his post: 5. Click the button below to sign up to my newsletter and get my step-by-step guides to go from $0 to $10k per month. Click here to see the Blueprint SEO Training by Ryan Stewart! Just make sure your product page is optimized for conversions. Despite what you may have heard, there’s A LOT more to white hat SEO than “posting great content.”, Sure, awesome content makes link building easier…. It doesn’t matter if your new blog post was forged in Mount Doom and granted control over the 18 greatest articles ever created (kudos if you got the LotR reference) - if you don’t promote your content, no one will see it. Charts, graphs, and screenshots rock. For example, on Heath and Alyssa’s site (they’re awesome full-time RVers who run a podcast called the RV Entrepreneur), I noticed they blog about guides to RVing and their favorite campgrounds. SnackNation partners with dozens of healthy snack companies. Get the exact step-by-step processes I used to build an online business earning over $10k per month from the comfort of my home. But when I hit position 5, that increased to about 1,000 clicks per month. And if you have LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook — if everyone’s sharing, it already gives us some social proof. And you need it if you hope to get white hat backlinks and rankings without bashing your face off a wall or spending boatloads of money. Despite that fact, many of the articles ranking in Google didn’t organize their ideas into sections: That’s why Emil decided to organize his list of ideas into 7 categories: Not only do these sections make Emil’s content easier to skim, but they got him nifty sitelinks in Google: In my experience sitelinks can significantly boost your CTR…. I never start writing before I make an outline. Emil’s search led him to a blog post at Backlinko, “Content Strategy Case Study: 36,282 Readers + 1,000 Email Subscribers“. Literally, go to their site and check out their blog! In this chapter you’re going to see two white hat SEO case studies. I have to do this.’ And I just modeled it completely after that.”. Better yet, ask influencers to leave a comment when you reach out to them. The top results are influencers/authorities in your niche. Plus, it’s always good to build relationships with the big wigs in your niche! Here's one example: I also got quite a few links through guest posting. (It even generated quite a few comments — a first for the SnackNation blog). (Like how my post is ranking for over 2,000 keywords. Read step-by-step complete guide and SEO case study. Keep in mind that you may not be able to find everyone’s email. I did into the HubSpot blog shows huge positive correlation with the number of backlinks a URL had and the volume of organic search traffic it generated. In other words - doing things the right way to avoid getting a Google smackdown and losing all your rankings. He popped each URL into a backlink analysis tool: Then he emailed each of those people to let them know about his new, superior resource. …but they’re not going to get you to Google’s first page. (Even if it’s just asking for a comment.). Their thumb is on the pulse of your industry. This link building strategy helped me gain 88% increase in website traffic. ... “White hat search engine optimizers improve the usability of a website, help create great content, or make sites faster, which is good for both users and search engines.” - Matt Cutts, Google Engineer The techniques you’re about to learn allowed me to rank #2 on Google for a highly competitive (and high-converting) keyword: “RV accessories”. Do it now, I'll wait. Thus, by including them, you rank higher. They provide an indirect but measurable benefit to a site's external popularity, which the engines can then interpret as a signal of higher quality. and saved anything promising. The exact blog outline process I use before I create ANY content, to ensure it has all the best information, great flow, and includes LSI topics. ... and is now working the SERPs as a black hat SEO. I already showed you the impressive results that Emil achieved thanks to The Skyscraper Technique. Just go to the “Rank tracker” tab, then click “Add keywords” and add the ones your targeting (including any LSI keywords you used). Vickery, white hat hacker, plays an important role in cyber security, acting as what could be described as an "ethical hacker." These experts use their skill set to assess and improve security systems by exposing vulnerabilities before ill-intentioned hackers, known as black hat … Do you have an example with a B2B client? Now that Emil’s post was live, it was time to celebrate right? So he asked everyone in the office to chip in with ideas. In short: White hat SEO works really freaking well. That way, you can include their comments in the appropriate section, and you won’t have to go back and awkwardly force it into the content later. Keep an eye out for any SEO company who claims to deliver "white hat SEO services", but actually uses black hat tactics. As long as you intentionally build links , you’re at risk of getting a penalty. Adding this section with LSI keywords helped boost my post from the bottom of the first page to the middle, then eventually to the top. Moral of the story: Don’t give up. Since this is an SEO case study, I’ll walk you through what I did... My topic idea was to write about cool RV accessories and gadgets, so I started with “RV accessories”. It helps to know you have your shit together and organized. read case study "We sincerely appreciate the human interaction and the support from WhiteHat. For help finding emails, check out this guide. So stop putting UX second! Leave a quick comment below right now. Just search for a keyword and right click on any of the results. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"f3080":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"f2bba":{"name":"Main Light 10","parent":"f3080"},"trewq":{"name":"Main Light 30","parent":"f3080"},"poiuy":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"f83d7":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"frty6":{"name":"Main Light 45","parent":"f3080"},"flktr":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)"},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgb(23, 23, 22)","hsl":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09}},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.5}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.7}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.35}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.4}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.2}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.8}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, White Hat SEO Case Study: 1,000+ Daily Visitors (In < 6 Months). A Deep Look at Whether College is Right For You, How to Build Assets & Get Stupid Rich (Or How to Not Retire Poor), Kinsta Review 2021: Pros & Cons of This Managed WordPress Hosting, Backlinks directly to the web pages you're trying to rank, Decent search volume (which varies heavily based on your industry), Medium-tail length (as in, not a head term like “shoes” or long-tail like “how to clean your shoes with baby oil”), Start with an outline. It's notable that the initial three results are by a wide margin the sites that get the most snaps. That’s why Emil made sure his writing was upbeat and engaging: Once Emil made his content more compelling than the competition — bada bing, bada boom — his draft was good to go. Simple - a column for their name, contact info, website URL, and social profiles. This is called the "no one likes to link to a crummy site" phenomenon.Crafting a thoughtful, empathetic user experience helps ensure that visitors to your site perceive it positively, encouraging sharing, bookmarking, return visits, and inbound links—all signals that trickle down to the search engines and contribute to high rankings. It works like this: So whenever you create a new piece of content, be sure to go back to old posts and add internal links to your new post. . It didn’t take Emil long to figure out that VERY few people searched for healthy office snacks. See the massive drop the next day? Even though he didn’t have any connections and only a few followers on Twitter, he was able to get contributions from ballers like Neil Patel. …and how he used The Skyscraper Technique to generate 4,865 Pageviews in a week: When Emil saw this post, a light bulb went off: “I read that post maybe ten times because I was just amazed. But you can also use them to boost your rankings after a page is already published. Thematic link building is a black hat SEO technique, but it’s safe. Goldmine! Cha-ching!). Tips & News on Social Media Marketing, Online Advertising, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Growth Hacking, Branding, Start-Ups and more. Now that's out of the way, let's dive into this case study! First-page ranking changes are less about backlinks and more about user engagement, content fit, and copywriting. Red Hat are the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community powered approach to deliver high-performing technologies. (More on that in a second.). Google sheets works wonders for this. You can copy the content outline template I used in the video and start filling yours in immediately. “Weak ties” are people in your professional network that you’re acquaintances with (for example, old colleagues or people that work in other departments). You can also add a column for notes, a column for when you reached out and how, and a column for domain authority (DA), if you’re so inclined. And he sent them this message: Because he didn’t beg for a link, they were happy to hear from him: Then Emil sent a link to the post when it went live: And that led to a nice contextual backlink: I recently used pre-outreach to promote my SEO tools guide. Proof! Those social signals really do make it easier to get links. And people like sharing their friends’ stuff. Specifically, Emil created a PDF version of his post: (His PDF also contained 10 bonus ideas that weren’t found in the post). Just grab a broad keyword around your site's content (like “motorhome”, “ecommerce”, or “cooking”) and see what comes up. These posts didn’t move the needle…despite the fact that they referenced Office Space. ALWAYS! This article is an eye opener for people who think by going white hat , they’re 100% safe. If you bought an Ahrefs account (can you tell I love this tool? But if it’s awesome material that’s still relevant? 2. For your SEO to pay off, your content needs to generate leads and sales for your business. You can do that by answering all the questions a searcher has within your single page. However, through linking patterns, user engagement metrics, and machine learning, the engines make a considerable number of intuitions about a given site. Once you’ve created something amazing and published it, you probably want to send it out to the world and relax. From topic and keyword research to link building and promotion, this guide will … Think of your metadata as a PPC ad. > Read More. Some were literally just lists of ideas: (As you know, it’s hard to take action on a piece of content that leaves out meaty details). As if that wasn’t helpful enough, the curriculum for each course hooks you up with a TON of keyword options: And just like that you have a boatload of keywords that your competition will NEVER find. User engagement influences search rankings. So delete it or redirect it to another relevant post. White Hat SEO Case Study: How To Get a #1 Ranking . Next, Emil emailed the other companies that he referenced in his post. Pro Tip: Install the Mozbar browser extension to see a site’s domain authority at a glance! There’s only so many things people are looking for in terms of office snack delivery.”. Once you search your head term on Ahrefs, click the links under “Keyword ideas”. ), do it BEFORE you start writing. Once you’ve found a keyword, it’s time to get a feel for what’s already out there…, (Yes, I let out an evil laugh when I wrote that ). Now that Emil’s #1 ranking was secured it was time to turn this targeted traffic into revenue. So Emil decided to swap out the generic ebook with a laser targeted Content Upgrade. I have one more white hat SEO technique for you... You probably already have lots of old (yet awesome) content on your website. Not only does this boost the credibility of your article, it also makes it easier to write (since they’re doing some of the writing for you) and you get what I call “pre-promotion”. With a change in keyword tactic, and an overhauled content plan, the subject of the case study was able to dramatically increase their results. Emil also saw that the first page lacked visual content…like images, videos, charts and screenshots. This is called the "no one likes to link to a crummy site" phenomenon. Answer The Public is a tool that determines all the questions people ask around a particular keyword. That’s not to say more links won’t increase your rankings once you hit the first page - they certainly can. White Label SEO Case Studies For many marketing agencies, delivering quality solutions to their clients across a range of specialities can be challenging. Use short, clear sentences and only 2-3 sentences per paragraph. Search engines were deemed the best digital marketing channel by over 21 marketing experts, including Brian Dean from Backlinko and Peep Laja from ConversionXL. is one of my favorite long tail keyword generators. Emil also took note of the fact that these lists lacked important details. After all, it’s amazing! Back up your claims with research, personal experience, and data points. Simple. And, typically, LSI keywords include most of the questions or topics a reader would need to know about. In other words, if you’re in position 10 you’re only going to get 3 clicks for every 100 searches. Emil got his sales team to ask their partners to send creative ideas: And these partners were happy to lend a hand: Emil also asked a few bloggers that write about employee wellness to contribute an idea or two: Again, they gladly sent some amazing ideas his way: (As you’ll see in a minute, these expert contributions generated LOTS of bonus traffic to Emil’s post).

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