I know that Singapore have more grades then ABCDE... like A1, A2 or something. Just take the civil service for an example which is the biggest employer in Singapore. I want a career in medicine The Department of Statistics measured the amount needed for basic living expenses to be at $1,250 per month, per household. Plus it is relatively easy to get good grades, esepcially if you are a science student. Singapore. It’s taken by the whole cohort at the end of their primary school jo… On one hand, Singapore’s education system is considered to be among the best in the world, with students consistently ranking well in global achievement tests. I hope the above resources will help you in your JC student life. A-Level Further Maths is considered to be one of the hardest A-Levels out there, if not the hardest. All schools in Singapore charge some level of fees; about S$25 a month, or £14, at neighbourhood schools, which is a modest sum for most people. Results Oriented Lessons: We only have one goal, to help your child score their best for their exams.Every single lesson is designed for maximum effect to help our students ACE their exams.. Must I participate in CCA in JC? India has some of the most grueling A levels in the world. Lousy JC teachers, what do I do? Sri Lanka. This is why although the syllabus learning outcomes given by MOE is generally covered by all schools, the DEPTH to which topics are taught vary across different schools, and the answer scheme quality given across schools vary as well.. As circled above, students are tested on content NOT necessarily related to the content of the H2 Biology syllabus.. I failed my promotion exams, so how? Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” Consequently, students are fumbling over their material and not ready for the A level exams. Hard Truths About Poverty. You can't say A levels are a joke when both Oxford and Cambridge accept them. The inner circle centring on life skills ensures that students acquire sound values and skills to take them through life as responsible adults and active citizens. Be it Stanford, Oxford, or Harvard, A Levels can be be the high school curriculum to help get you there! What to do if fail A level Singapore. However, the Singapore education system seems to be becoming harder and more stressful for the sake of it without any consideration as to how it can benefit our youth in the future. Posted by 1 year ago. A % below 90 wont cut it, and on top of that you have to sit entrance exams for the reputed institutes like IIT/IIM. As far as I know A levels are a bit easier ^^, but I might be wrong... UK Exedel (I don't know how to spell it) A-level is known to be easy. Living in Singapore is something that many people dream of because life here is considered by many to be life at its best.Singapore is an efficient and clean Asian city that retains much of the charm from its British colonial days whilst also offering a cutting edge, well-developed environment. Firstly, check out this post by Digital Senior, where they discuss 7 alternative routes for those who did not do well for A Levels. For those of you who are feeling the stress, I truly feel for you. I got 9 A1’s for the GCE O-Levels. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. Singapore doesn’t really do beaches. Which country has the hardest education system?! In Singapore, H1/H2/H3 level qualifications are awarded upon successful completion of examinations jointly administered by Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). Majority of the student use A level results as a means of getting admissions into local universities. Parent/student questions sitemap: So it’s no wonder teen suicide rates are increasing to their highest year after year. How Hard is A-Level Further Maths Compared To A-Level Maths? 55. And transform the agony of “Why is Singapore-Cambridge A levels so hard? 9.) Unfortunately, the hard truth is this – it is hard. As a collaboration between the MOE and UCLES, the Singaporean A level is a different version of the international A level. I find AP to be really easy. What is A level Singapore 2020 schedule *MEGATHREAD* Medicine 2021 Interviews discussion, Official Cambridge 2021 Applicants thread Mk II, Is it worth applying for City University (Business School Foundation), *MEGATHREAD* - The "Which Medical School Should I Apply To?" “Why is Singapore-Cambridge A levels so hard?!”. Archived [A Levels] How hard is it to get 90 RP. Physics/Math/Chemistry and easily got a high 1:1 at Imperial EEE. Should I consider overseas universities? Students can pursue this subject if they have A2 and better in 'O' Level Mathematics and Additional Mathematics, depending on the school. As Michael Jordon says, “You can practice shooting eight hours a day but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. ... students can easily take like..7 APs..but if you dare to take 7 A Levels..oh god..that will be so much difficult. Further Mathematics is available as a second and higher mathematics course at A Level (now H2), in addition to the Mathematics course at A Level. Would it be easier to flat share or get a dorm at Uni? 110,000 – 140,000 household falls under the basic living expenditure of $1,250. We know the requirements for the course, but how bad can it possibly be compared to A-Level Maths? Nobody dares to seek clarification. Opinions on IMU (International Medical University Malaysia)...? To start things off, you may want to consider that you eat leading up to the exams. ... To give you some perspective 25-30% of RI gets 90rp and these are some of the best pre-tertiary students Singapore has to offer. 5 Refers to graduates from university first degree courses from National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). The Department of Statistics measured the amount needed for basic living expenses to be at $1,250 per month, per household. The A Level curriculum is a hugely popular, internationally recognised curriculum that can help you secure your place at top universities around the world. The double whammy to Singaporean A level students appears when certain career paths are inaccessible without the degree qualification. I did well enough to qualify for the Science Faculty in NUS." In view of the recent government announcement, some hotel recreational facilities and most dining establishments will resume from 19 June 2020. The Singapore-Cambridge GCE A levels is by far the hardest A levels in the world. Businesses prize the Singapore workforce for its high literacy rate, competency levels and ability to bridge Asian and Western cultures. Any data correlating a-level to Degree clasfication against Uni ranking? With over 110,000 expatriates and 7,000 multinational companies operating here, global citizens will also feel right at home forging a career in Singapore. Localised subjects, including Mother Tongue subjects such … I write about some of them, implement them in my classes and track my students and see how they perform over time with these new techniques. Simply put, MOE doesn’t want the locals to get a degree, and referring to the WIKILeaked document. Though it may seem like the end of the world, it is not, and there are other options available to you. e.g. And have seen how my student performance transform just by making the simple changes. (Start typing, we will pick a forum for you), Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Difficulty of "A" levels across countries. Singapore’s population enjoys one of the highest levels of health and nutrition in Asia. 2. Hard Truths About Poverty. Choosing A level tutor [checklist] I continuously hear horror stories of the behaviors of some these teachers when students come to me for tuition. In total, there are 15 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today. I got 4 A’s for the GCE A-Levels, along with 2 “Special” paper Distinctions and 1 Merit. Will the covid vaccine be mandatory for people going on a year abroad to Asia? I thought I might never make it to the sixth-form gym to collect my AS-level results (I … This won’t be on the same level as those glorious Thai beaches but they’re still pretty great for a weekend hangout. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. They will receive the A-level results and choose the path that they are going to take in the next few years. Source: Statista Singapore has a legal standard of 44 hours per workweek. Further maths. Teaching career, how to start The Singapore education system has received many praises and equally as many scorns. It’s hard to get into a local university, career options may be limited without a degree. Also, how a student studies during exam preparations is crucial. This is one of your most trying periods in life. The double whammy to Singaporean A level students appears when certain career paths are inaccessible without the degree qualification. Completely agree. A Level results day 2019 - this is when you will get your exam results; According to SnapRevise, the hardest A-Level subjects to study are: 1. One may ask. Can I do H2 Biology if I didn’t do O levels Bio. For those who did not do well for A Levels, do not be overly disheartened. I received a full academic scholarship to study at Duke University, which consistently ranks as one of the best universities in the world. [Exam Cram] Ask Pearson/Edexcel all your A-level and GCSE Maths questions! Do I need tuition? They actually follow the golden rule. 10. share. is special. Useful websites . If they are not on point, then one just won’t remember at all, wasting the time and effort earlier in the day. Report Save. Then universities will find it difficult in differentiating and admitting students. In the process, many feel like giving up. Peering at his laptop when her name is announced, Nick Cutler, an … This will be helpful since JC life is so short and you can’t afford to try all the tutors out. In Singapore, people simply do as they should do. A Levels . Learn more about compulsory education, exemptions and deferment to enter Primary 1. 10.) The Singapore-Cambridge GCE A levels is by far the hardest A levels in the world. This is because our formal education system is much harder than the rest of the world and our GCE A levels and O levels is much tougher than the ones the British take. She has taken her A-levels at a school that has had a spectacularly high turnover of teachers. All the BEST! Their learning journey is regularlypunctuated by streaming, in which students are sorted into different academic programmes based on their performance in standardised exams. They have not done well for their A-levels. In my experience students from these countries have often come to the UK to take A-levels at a boarding school here because UK A-levels are easier. Education is real life on easy mode so whatever you do later for your job will be much harder. This is why some students at this point will seek out tuition. Lousy prelims, what should I do? I have a checklist you might use to shortlist the better tutors since there are so many out there. © 2021 BYANG, making a difference in this world 1 student at a time. Most students in Singapore enrol in government schools and government-aided schools in which they access the national curriculum, developed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), at a standardised fee. The quality of school teachers in JCs varies greatly. But precisely because it is hard, there is a tangible sense of achievement behind finally understanding the content/doing well for examinations/winning that championship/other feats requiring great struggle to overcome. Memorisation without thinking does not work in the Singapore system anymore. However, aside from that, the two levels have a lot in common. Singapore and Hong Kong A-levels are different and apparently a LOT harder (though I didn't take them, so I don't know). That means if A levels is easy everyone gets straight A’s. The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Though, they do have some epic swimming pools to enjoy when visiting Singapore. According to data published in 2011, 10 – 12% of household fall under this level. Modern foreign languages. If this is your weakness, then you will likely seek out a tutor for help. They are both one year courses. I got ABB. If it wasn’t hard, anyone could do it. In Sri Lanka, A Level qualifications are offered by governmental and non governmental schools. Whereas, lower tier JCs like mine produce 0 90 rank pointers some years. It comprises the non-academic curriculum. 1-1 or group tuition classes? Chinese and Malay flavors blend perfectly into innovative new dishes, while Indian spices and curries are prominent in their own dishes as well. The Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level is recognised internationally by universities as a university entrance examination and employers as a tertiary education certificate. [A Levels] How hard is it to get 90 RP. 1. The country is also renowned for its world-class health infrastructure, technological advancements in the healthcare industry, expert doctors and specialists. You should only be applying for this subject if you are the most able mathematician. MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight. For some others, the most difficult part only comes after the envelope containing the result slip has been opened. First and foremost content mastery is the foundation of exam preparations. They both count for 50% of your final A Level mark. Why is Singapore-Cambridge A levels so hard Historically, Singapore hasn’t been a warring nation, so the excess manpower in the military is assigned to civil work. A-Level English Literature is a difficult A-Level because of the content, and how much you have to write. So it’s no wonder teen suicide rates are increasing to their highest year after year. Singapore has a great nightlife The only other competent teacher is so fierce that he scolds students for bringing up questions to the point of tears. Despite the technique not working, many people are still using the same exam taking techniques hoping it will make a difference? One answer is pride. When one applies for a government job, you will be asked to list your O and A level results and the specific grade you got for each subject. 4 Reasons Why Our JC H2 Chemistry Tuition Has Worked Wonders For More Than 213+ A Level Students From all JCs in Singapore!. The Singapore Cambridge GCE A level is conducted jointly by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). Pollution and Human Health at Risk- Unit 4 Edexcel Geography A2 2017, GCSE English literature should not be compulsory. Find a levels in Singapore! There is no hard-copy application form. My peers with 4/5 straight As in their UK A levels are struggling to maintain their 2:1. The healthcare environment is clean, efficient and safe. For some people, the whole process would be a breeze. Have your say >>, Applying to uni? The middle circle on knowledge skills seeks to develop students’ thinking, process and communication skills. Singapore was founded with an extreme sense of the necessity of survival. Uberthread [part 3 of 3], Official Netherlands 2021 University applicant thread, Official Hong Kong University 2021 applicant thread, Georgia Medicine: New Vision University (SME). COVID-19 Cancellation Policy: The safety and wellbeing of our guests and colleagues is of paramount importance to us and Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore stands united with the nation in its accelerated fight against the COVID-19 outbreak. It was hard work juggling NS and taking the A levels again, but I really had something to prove, not to anyone, but to myself. UPDATE: The results of the A-Level exams are out – and it appears that students did worse than in recent years. I'm a student AMA. Finally, let me know if this has been useful. Which subject combination for A levels Romanian Medical Graduate Work opportunities, Dnipro Medical Institute. This is despite the fact that such exams are taken really long ago like when one is 16 and 18 respectively. A-Level English Literature is an extremely hard A-Level, and not because of any hidden features or unseen required skills. The standards and grading for the subjects are determined by SEAB and MOE in consultation with the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), a subsidiary of UCLES. MOE is not on their side either. All Singapore Citizens born after 1 January 1996 and living in Singapore must attend a national primary school unless an exemption is granted. View Gumtree Free Classified Ads for a levels in Singapore and more. Biology or Further Pure mathematics in A level, Brighton and Sussex Medical School A100 2021 Entry, Are you a smoker? There are several ways to augment the exam taking performance. The local media echoes the sentiments publishing articles like this. However, according to the Working Hours Survey of 2014, 82 per cent of Singaporeans work longer than their contractual hours, and many of them said they felt “culturally obliged”.. Why are Singaporeans working such long hours? Again, pride is the outcome. MOE doesn’t want the locals to get a degree, certain career paths are inaccessible without the degree qualification, teen suicide rates are increasing to their highest, Finally, let me know if this has been useful, COVID-19 basics for the H2 Biology student. Singapore is a unique place that combines the tastes and cultures of several nearby countries. !” to “I can do it and the exams is fun and easy!” Can I do H2 Biology if I didn’t do O levels Bio? That's ideal of course, but what I think Singapore did well is to reduce the rote memorisation and mechanical part of education. It’s hard to get into a local university, career options may be limited without a degree. By comparison, the UK A levels are almost a joke. I make some recommendations for the exam diet. By comparison, the UK A levels are almost a joke. Unlike most schools, Singapore mandates curriculum on empathy and cultural understanding. COVID-19 basics for the H2 Biology student a pre-university programme in Malaysia that’s based on the UK education system For latest updates, go to www.moh.gov.sg. According to data published in 2011, 10 – 12% of household fall under this level. And the local universities corroborate with the story recruiting foreign student to make up the numbers (approximately 28% as of 2019). Find your group chat here >>, http://www.ocr.org.uk/Data/publicati...Test_paper.pdf. Implied choice scheme. Similarly, they start each class by verbally acknowledging their teachers. 110,000 – 140,000 household falls under the basic living expenditure of $1,250. My knees were shaking. I have never done O levels but came from Malaysia to NUS. Close. I write about this in detail here. Despite that, entry requirements using the results remain stringent. Completely agree. Why is Singapore-Cambridge A levels so hard?! They both require year-long study that culminates in a series of exams. But How? Sleep is another important area students must consider as it aids in developing learning for the day and transforming it to long term memory. What to do if did not do well for A Levels. Girls - if you're at a party or a bar/club... What advice do you want from a university prof? Hong Kong and Singapore A-levels have a reputation for being harder than British A-levels. For example in one JC, a friendly teacher gives incorrect answers to students. I graduated from Duke in 2011. A week ago I stood in a snake-like queue, the sun pounding down on me. Next, you need to learn how to be a better exam taker. However, A2 Levels are generally harder than AS Levels and build on the knowledge that you learn during taking your AS papers. Eng Lit. Why did I get neg repped? Some systems are challenging but too repetitive and not heuristic (India's JEE, China's Gaokao, Brazil iirc). The wars of foreign countries are studied in school so that the mistakes of others will not be repeated by Singaporeans.Af… And in the process find success Singapore-Cambridge A level exams. That being said, there are a lot of decent beaches in Singapore. MOE targets enrollment at 20-25% annually out of approximately 15,000 applicants. You can personalise what you see on TSR. © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. Should I repeat A levels? Do you think that's true? I was merely stating a FACT. Cambridge International A Levels are offered in 55 subjects. The PSLEconstitutes the first major hurdle of the doe-eyed student. You should compare subjects like Sciences, Geography, Economics. So, I'd say A Levels is far more difficult. Results Of UK’s Move To Make A-Levels Harder In Order To Keep Up With Countries Like Singapore. If so I'd like your help, please. Tell us a little about yourself to get started. Those that have Singapore/Hong Kong A-levels don't seem to get any extra credit for it. There are 14 imported cases who had already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. A in brit AL is probably a C in HKCEE. If the biology is not optimal, then performance is sub-par leading to stagnation and even worse causes debilitating injuries (in the gym for example). Basically whatever you think is hard in life, just know that studying is not one of them. Why are the grade thresholds so low in the UK? 1. HKU / CUHK Medicine Non-JUPAS Applicants 2020, Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic), Consultation launched for GCSE and A-level assessments in 2021. The Guardian reports that results dropped in … But if you base it on the same grading (ABCDE..) of HKCEE and British A-Levels, HKCEE grades are probably lowered by 2 so its harder. The Singaporean version of A levels is much harder in comparison to the international version. Every student in Singapore starts their day by vocally and harmoniously declaring their pride in their country.