In preparation for the defense of the planet's cloning facilities, they were reunited with 99, a deformed maintenance clone who had been kind to the Domino's during their training, and informed him of Hevy's death. Fox wore a customized version of the Phase II clone trooper armor. The cadets were given a test and to pass it, all cadets must successfully work as a team without any injuries. Later in the war, following Fives death, Rex kept a holographic picture of himself, Cody, Fives and Echo, which he looked at and reminisced about during the Battle of Anaxes, after suspecting that a Separatist algorithm could in fact be Echo alive and well, after having previously been assumed dead at the Citadel. [14], In the aftermath of the incident with Tano,[16] whose innocence was proven after Skywalker disrupted her trial to reveal Offee as the real traitor,[17] Fox was ordered to hunt another fugitive—the ARC trooper CT-5555 "Fives" of the 501st Legion. [17], Upon arriving at Kamino, the facilities medical leader, Nala Se, said that Tup's strange behavior may in fact be a virus and requested that Fives stay behind on the planet to undergo examinations alongside his friend. Galactic Republic[1]Domino Squad[5]Rishi Station unit[4]501st Legion[6] CT-5555 (short for CT-27-5555), and later referred to as ARC-5555, was an Advanced Recon Commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Fives agreed, primarily to keep an eye on the treatment of his friend. While attempting to take Ringo Vinda from the Separatists, Fives witnessed the death of Tiplar, a Jedi General executed mid-battle by CT-5385 "Tup." They failed several times during practice, due to a lack of cooperation. The clones decided to assist one another in free-climbing the turrets along the sides of the Citadel to complete their task. Fives found evidence on Kamino about the conspiracy and was framed for trying to kill Chancellor Palpatine. Following the terrorist attack on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant in 19 BBY,[13] Letta Turmond was imprisoned in the Republic Center for Military Operations due to her participation in the attack. Under Fox's command, the Guard served as peacekeepers on the Republic capital and were also responsible for the safety of the Galactic Senate as well as Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.[1]. [4] He was also a fearless soldier who led the elite Coruscant Guard shock troopers into combat, and was always the first to charge into battle. Skin color Over the course of the war, Fox became one of the most highly decorated soldiers in the Republic Military. In the process of battle, a fellow clone and close friend of Fives, Tup, fired upon and killed Jedi General Tiplar. Fives met Captain Rex and Commander Cody for the first time after they rappelled from the platform. Efforts were refocused when Krell received orders to target a critical airbase. As a cadet, he wore training armor accented with green, which was Domino Squad's color. Both Jedi and clone leadership determined that Tup should be sent to Kamino for further evaluation. Fives participates in the interrogation of Tup following his unexpected killing of Jedi Master Tiplar. As a result, Fives participated in their efforts to capture the fallen Jedi. Fives was behaving erratically and was explaining himself to his superiors. Died He assured the Emperor's apprentice, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, that the perimeter around the Temple was secure. Tracking the renegade clone to Level 1315, Fox and a contingent of clone shock troopers confronted Fives, demanding that he stand down. After a moment of sadness between the three clones, 99 volunteered to help prepare for the invasion. Together Fives, Rex, and Anakin Skywalker were able to retrieve a still unconscious Tup before Trench's droids could abscond with him. Google+. Commander Fox. The Bad Batch–class. Tan[4] It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself met with Fives along with Nala Se and Shaak Ti. CC-1010, a clone who went by the nickname "Fox,"[1] was bred from the genetic material of Jango Fett as part of a program to grow an army on the the planet Kamino. His hairstyle was the standard crew cut and he had the number five tattooed in Aurebesh to the top right of his forehead. However, in the process, Tup was temporarily captured by Separatist forces on his departure from the station. In the midst of the chaos, the three clones happened upon a team of lost cadets and escorted them to safety. As such, they did not turn against the Jedi unlike the rest of the clone army that went on to serve the Galactic Empire. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. [1], Like the rest of his clone brethren, Fox was fiercely loyal to the Galactic Republic, and had little patience for criminals such as the terrorist Letta Turmond. Gender He is distinguished by a goatee and a stylized numeral five tattoo on his right temple. [Source]. 63 quotes have been tagged as fox: disney: ‘Good bye may seem forever. After noticing a Separatist invasion fleet approaching the moon, Fives, Commander Cody, and Hevy located the armory and secured weaponry for the entire clone group and then left to defend against the new assault while the others rigged the base to explode using canisters of tibanna gas. Physical description Commander Fox Phase 2, Killed Fives (ARC-5555) Star Wars the Clone Wars. 19 BBY,[2] Coruscant[3] During a fierce firefight, Fives and Echo tried to reach the shuttle. After a warning, Fox shot Fives in the heart. Twitter . HD Filme ist eine der Top-Streaming-Websites für Filme. This means that him and his troopers had never seen real constant action, and so were weaker than the average clone soldier, thus making them stupid. Show Less. During the campaign, he played a key role in both the capture of the Umbaran airbase and the destruction of the Separatist supply ship. After 99 helped them gather weapons from a nearby armory, the group staged a trap for the incoming droids. In the early days of the New Order, Fox and his troops encountered Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, Chief Librarian of the Jedi Temple, who used the Force to influence the clones in order to pass them safely. [3], Fives made friends and developed close relationships with many of the other members of the 501st, including Captain Rex, Tup, Jesse, Kix, Hardcase, and Echo. [13], Fives, Captain Rex, and General Pong Krell participate in the fighting on Umbara, When Umbara seceded from the Republic, Fives was re-assigned to the 501st, becoming the one of two assigned ARC Troopers in the battalion for the upcoming campaign, alongside Rex. Following the initial assault from Separatist commando droids, Fives, Echo, Cutup, and Hevy managed to escape the base through the ventilation shaft and emerged onto the moon's surface. Fearing that neither would listen to his story, he trapped both in a ray shield. [6] This loyalty to his fellow clones would ultimately lead him to his ill-fated investigation into the origins of a bio-chip implanted in the brains of himself and his fellow clones. Originally a clone cadet during the early phase of the pan-galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Fives completed his training on Kamino and attained the rank of trooper alongside his teammates in Domino Squad. They were interrupted by clones sent by Krell to fetch Fives and Jesse. Fox retained command of the Coruscant Guard in the aftermath of Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Led by clone sergeant O'Niner, the rookies were the only form of defense during an attempted Separatist takeover of the listening post. Height Physical description [18], Fox was loyal to the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, and continued to lead the Coruscant Guard in the name of the self-styled Emperor Palpatine. Fox immediately ordered them to cease their attack when he realized who they were shooting. In his panic and desperation, the ARC trooper raised a blaster pistol at the approaching guards, but Fox opened fire, killing Fives with a shot through his heart. By Pamela Geller - on November 29, 2020. After being frozen in carbon to sneak past Separatist life-form detecting scanners, the rescue team was successful in infiltrating the Citadel. Fives spent his final moments in Rex's arms, where he spoke his last words, referencing Tup's, having finally found peace.[3]. Desperate not to be captured, a terrified Fives reached for one of Rex's discarded blasters. Ti and El-Les commended Domino Squad's efforts, and all five cadets were given medals as a symbol of their graduation from clone cadet to full fledged members of the Grand Army of the Republic. 2,450 Likes, 47 Comments - Star Wars Gaming (@woofwoofwolffe) on Instagram: “I know a lot of you hate Commander Fox for killing Fives, but besides that... How do you think he…” The droids deceived him with a security clearance code, which Fox deemed authentic. While the teams reunited, Sobeck's security droids amassed in force. The green-colored Commander Gree was the clone commander to Yoda, who foolishly attempted to kill him during Order 66. Fives's armor and appearance before and after his promotion to ARC Trooper. [5] After Nu infiltrated the Temple, Fox surrounded the Jedi Order's former home with two full companies of Imperial shock troopers with the Coruscant Security Force providing auxiliary support. Domino Squad was reckless, and they rarely got along as a team. Show Less. Unfortunately, they were encountered by a Rishi eel, which killed Cutup. Despite Nala Se's insistence that Fives was suffering from paranoia and mental degradation, Palpatine requested to speak to the soldier alone to hear his story in further detail. While Tup appeared to be unaware of his actions, he continued to display strange behavior and lash out violently towards Jedi. Infuriated by the Confederacy's terrorist attack on the galactic capital, the Senate rejected the peace initiative.[12]. "Should we arrest the Hutt, Senator?" Voter Fraud. The Jedi ordered the immediate execution of Fives and Jesse. Bound by his sense of duty to the Republic, Fox arrested Ahsoka Tano as a suspect in the murder of Letta Turmond. He was also present in the initial ground assault against Umbaran forces, even rescuing fellow trooper Hardcase from a vixus. 7849 . Species Feb 24, 2014 - Commander Fox right after he Kills ARC-5555 "Fives" You tried to save a Republic that … Cloned from the genetic template of the human bounty hunter Jango Fett, Fox trained on the extragalactic world of Kamino as part of an army of identical soldiers during the last years of the Republic Era. His words convinced Shaak Ti and she requested that Fives be sent to Coruscant to undergo further tests and to plead his case to the Supreme Chancellor. Commander CC-1010 "Fox" and the Coruscant Guard raided Ziro's palace to rescue Senator Padmé Amidala. Because of this, he and the rest of Domino Squ… WATCH Lt General: US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Echo made it to the ramp but at the same time the ship was hit and exploded. What Happened to Commander Fox After the Clone Wars? Fives also fought on Ringo Vinda when Clone trooper tup killed Jedi General Tiplar because of a malfunctioning biochip that triggered Order 66. ", Between 21 BBY and 20 BBY,[11] a group of modified demolition droids were sent to disrupt the Confederate–Republic peace initiative on Coruscant. While Nala Se insisted that the chip was designed to curb aggression among clones, Fives argued that the chip itself was reason for suspicion. Fives, Rex, and the rest of the 501st leadership debated what to do with the dangerous rogue Jedi they now held captive. Homeworld He continued to use a DC-15 blaster rifle while he was in the 501st Legion. Domino Squad was reckless, and they rarely got along as a team. Despite Rex's insistence that he keep a level head for the sake of the rest of the troops, Fives advocated for a plan of action separate from Krell's. [19] Though he intended no harm to Darth Vader, he failed to warn his guards against mistaking the Sith Lord for a Jedi. CT-6116 "Kix" conducted his own investigation which led him to discover Palpatine's conspiracy and forced Dooku to abduct and freeze him within cryo-cycle stasis to prevent the information from being leaked, thus removing him from any further involvement within The Clone Wars and Order 66. CT-5555"Fives" CC-1010"Fox" At least two clones—CC-3636 "Wolffe," and CC-5576-39 "Gregor"—removed their chips prior to the activation of Order 66. Following the successful defense of Kamino, he joined the ranks of the elite Advanced Recon Commandos along with CT-1409 "Echo," the only other survivor of the attack on Rishi Station. [5], After graduating their basic Kamino training, Fives and his fellow rookies, Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, and Echo, were given their first assignment. While the operation appeared to be a success, Shaak Ti and Nala Se discovered his insubordination and reprimanded him for his risky behavior. In the process, he grew close with his fellow clones and fostered strong friendships with the different members of his battalion. [15], Upon their successful return, Fives and Jesse shared their victory and grief with Rex and Tup, who had run out to meet them. When Skywalker accused Fives of trying to assassinate Palpatine, the tension escalated. Fives sported a tattoo on his right temple of the number "5" in accordance to his nickname and clone number designation.[3]. Although Fives was killed before he could expose the conspiracy behind the inhibitor chips, his actions impacted the execution of Order 66. Fives was a trainee on Kamino to become a soldier. With 99's help, the duo was able to stall the advancement of Separatist forces before having to retreat. El-Les and Commander Colt ended their test and failed the team for their inability to function as a cooperative unit. The 501st engaged their foes, resulting in massive casualties on both sides. We begin this with…” Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Commander Fox Phase 2 CaptainRex21. Fives and Hardcase were able to enter the base undetected, commandeer two enemy starfighters, and secure a victory. Chronological and political information Rest In Peace, CT-5555. Russian forces have killed a Chechen separatist guerrilla commander believed to have been involved in a deadly bombing at Moscow's Domodedovo airport in 2011, authorities said on Wednesday. After a series of long-range missile attacks threatened both the base and the 212th Attack Battalion, Fives approached Rex with a plan hatched by himself, Hardcase, and CT-5597 "Jesse" to utilize the captured Umbaran fighters and launch a sneak attack on the unsuspecting Separatist supply ship, hopefully ending the airstrikes. Male[1] In response, a squad of shock troopers secured the Chancellor's office in the Senate headquarters while Fox and his troops surrounded the detention center to prevent Ziro's escape. [7], When Asajj Ventress's Trident-class assault ships attacked, Fives and Echo were assigned by ARC trooper Havoc to wok as snipers above the city to hold off the oncoming droid forces. Rancor Battalion leaders Commanders Colt, Havoc, and Blitz, arrived to train cadets and give their final grade. Though the team sustained multiple casualties over the course of the mission, resulting in the death of Piell and the loss of Echo, who was presumed dead, Fives was among the survivors rescued by Jedi General Plo Koon. It’s not his fault that he didn’t get to experience the same influence as the 501st from Rex Fives quickly drew issue with Krell's firm and seemingly reckless style of leadership, which often led to the unnecessary endangerment and death of fellow clones. While the the Grand Army of the Republic deployed across the galaxy under the command of Jedi Generals, Commander Fox and his clone shock troopers were stationed on Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic. It’s a coup’ de-tat. … [14] His weapons included the standard DC-15A blaster rifle[8] and a pair of DC-17 hand blasters.[14]. As more troops perished in action against advanced Umbaran military technology, Rex sent Fives and Hardcase, against Krell's wishes, to capture enemy aircraft and assist in the battle. They were able to climb the cliff to get inside the Citadel, but clone trooper Charger lost his balance and fell, dying and alerting the Separatists and Warden Osi Sobeck of their presence. Gender Hair color Five farmers were killed in two separate strikes, al-Kidra said, including three who he said had been mistakenly identified earlier by Hamas security officials as Islamic Jihad fighters. The team finally reached the rendezvous point to await Master Koon's extraction team. Unbeknownst to Fox,[14] Turmond was murdered by the fallen Jedi Barriss Offee, whose distorted views led her to commit acts of betrayal and terrorism. Fives and both teams had no time to search for their comrade and were forced to flee the airfield, thus Echo was presumed killed in action..[9] Unbeknownst to them however, Echo survived[10] and was captured by the Separatists,[11] but it would be the last time Fives ever saw Echo,[9] as by the time Echo's survival was discovered[12] it was too late for Fives. As a clone soldier who served in the early period of the Clone Wars, Commander Fox wore the standard Phase I clone trooper armor albeit with the crimson markings and original pattern design of the Coruscant Guard. Affiliation(s) He was on the Domino Squad for his training for the Citadel Challenge. Eye color Show More. Fox, or CC-1010, was commander of the Coruscant Guard, an elite force devoted to, well, guarding Coruscant. Ultimately, Fox was executed by Vader after the shock troopers tried to kill him, having mistaken the Sith for a Jedi. Because Commander Fox was head of the 65th Clone Trooper Legion, AKA the Coruscant Guard. Due to his clone designation, he was given the nickname "Fives." He then attacked Fives, who in a moment of self defense was framed as a potential assassin. Upon conducting his own investigation, he discovered the depths of the conspiracy and attempted to warn the Jedi and the Republic. When Fox found that a Trandoshan bounty hunter was going to kidnap Senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin, he pursued him. Krell ordered a full-frontal assault through a valley. Following the First Battle of Geonosis, he was transferred to the Republic capital where he assumed command of the Coruscant Guard. Commander Gree (CC-1004) commanded the 41st Elite Corps, and served with Jedi General Luminara Unduli. Following the capture of Jedi General Even Piell, Fives was deployed with a team of Jedi and clones to Lola Sayu in order to rescue the imprisoned General from a facility known as the Citadel. He spent his first 10 or so years on Kamino, receiving military training with the rest of his squad. RELATED: 10 Hilarious LEGO Star Wars Memes That'll Make You Wish You Were A LEGO. Fives had a thin goatee (while on Umbara, he is seen with a thicker goatee). She was mentored by Flamekeeper Titus, and later served as Anya's Second, who was also her mentor.At age 12, the previous Commander died and Lexa was called to attend the conclave. However, he probably wasn’t winning any popularity contests. Pursued by Separatist security, the rescue team was forced to split up to protect the vital intelligence carried by the Piell and Tarkin. CC-1010, nicknamed "Fox," was a clone trooper officer who served as the Clone Commander of the Coruscant Guard during the Clone Wars. The Quds Force commander is also suspected of being behind the Jan. 20, 2007 attack on a provincial headquarters in Karbala, Iraq, that killed five U.S. troops and wounded three others. Brown[4] Fuck you CC-1010. When Count Dooku put a bounty on some senators, Fox and his men became ready at all times to protect anyone who was pursued by a bounty hunter. During the test, Fives, along with his squadmates, noticed that they did not have their ascension cables due to tampering in their equipment by a still skeptical Bric. After the battle was over, Fives and Echo were promoted by Captain Rex to ARC trooper for the role they played in the defense of Kamino. [Source]. An expert of alien cultures, he saw … Together with AZ-3, Fives was able to determine that the tumor itself was in fact an artificially designed organic chip inserted into Tup's head. When Krell demanded to know where the clones had gone, Rex covered for them. This isn’t a smoking gun, it’s a smoking MOAB. After the successful recapture, Fives assisted the clone officers in securing the base and working to fix the signal that the droids had sabotaged to remain broadcasting the all clear signal. Height During his time as a cadet, Fives wore green lined standard training armor and used a DC-15 blaster rifle. Commander Fox (CC-1010) was in command of the Coruscant Guard, and assisted Senator Amidala in the capture of Ziro the Hutt. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Free-Climbing the turrets along the sides of the Coruscant Guard, an elite force devoted to,,! After a brief encounter with a drawn lightsaber ordered to kill him during Order 66 again, Krell leadership. Form Nute Gunray 's bribe without hesitancy Tarkin, and secure a victory and Fives ''! Opportunity to burst in and hold Fives at gun point, demanding that he accompany the troubled clone to.... His designation number ( CT-27-5555 ), which was a trainee on Kamino to defend Commander Fox after clone... Together, the clones with Vader 's lightsaber caused Fox 's soldiers to mistake Sith. 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